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Equipment required to play Surprise Beer

How to play

Surprise Beer can be played with 3 to an infinite number of participants. (Note, The National Association of Startling Beverages does not recommend playing with any number approaching infinity).

Play begins by laying out your meal or other activity on the Regulation Surprise Beer Lazy Susan.

Place one bottle of beer on the outside edge of the Regulation Surprise Beer Lazy Susan and begin. This beer is now the Surprise Beer.

As play proceeds, and the Regulation Surprise Beer Lazy Susan turns, the Surprise Beer will move relative to the players. Whenever the Regulation Surprise Beer Lazy Susan stops, any player who is directly in front of the Surprise Beer must drink from the Surprise Beer. If at any point there is confusion as to which player is closest to the Surprise Beer, both players must drink[1].

It is traditional to shout “SURPRISE BEER!” whenever the Regulation Surprise Beer Lazy Susan stops, or at any time during play, or before, or after.

If at any point the Surprise Beer is emptied, immediately replace it with a fresh, cold beer. This new beer is now the Surprise Beer.
